
Liwet (mesaj | katkılar) tarafından oluşturulmuş 03.57, 1 Nisan 2010 tarihli sürüm (General information)

General information

Yang Metin2nin para birimidir, diğer oyunlarda altın olarak bilinir. Ne kadar çok Yangınız olursa o kadar çok ve iyi eşyalar edinirsiniz. Yang genelde düşürülür Category:Yaratıklar , ve tamamladığınız görevler karşılığında verilir Category:Görevler.
Eşya satarak da yang elde edebilirsiniz- NPClere veya pazarda.


A Yangbomb (or also called jackpot) means an above average Yang-drop from a monster.

A typical Yangbomb

Abbreviations for Yang

  • 1.000 Yang = 1k
  • 10.000 Yang = 10k
  • 100.000 Yang = 100k
  • 1.000.000 Yang = 1M (or 1kk)
  • 10.000.000 Yang= 10M (or 10kk)
  • 100.000.000 Yang= 100M (or 100kk)
  • Yang= 1B

  • k = Thousand (kk = Million)
  • M = Million
  • B = Billion

Transferring Yang to your other characters

In order to give Yang to the 2nd, 3rd and/or 4th Char on your account, you can buy silver or gold bars in the value of 50.000, 100,000, 500,000, 1.000.000 or 2.000.000 Yang at the storekeeper. Though, this will cost somewhat more than it's worth. Move the bars into your storage and get them with the desired character again. Then you can sell the bars for the value (-3% tax rate) to a NPC.


If you have a lot patience, you can also make pictures with Yang.
